I can’t say it too often! Find a trader you really believe in! Check the results over a longer period than a week or a month! I would say that you should look for traders with at least one year of experience at the platform!
Check the statisticks carefully!
At Zulutrade it’s easy to get an overview of the traders performance. Just click “Traders” on the right top of the screen. You will see the top list of the most popular traders right now! But don’t get “blind”! Some of the Top10 traders will not repeat the success as he/she has created for the future. You need to find a responsible trader that really will be there also in the future and that will be there also in the tough times!
Today I have taken a look at SofiaFX, a trader that is on the 77# rank for the moment, but I find the trader very interesting to follow.
Stable trader with stable profit
Check the profit! She has made 7576 pips in profit! That’s quite promising.
The “Open Positions” show -72.2 pips. That’s fine. I’m not afraid of some drawdowns, as long as they are controlled. Some traders open 30 positions with the same signals, and it’s a risky / dangerous way to play the game.
Expert in EUR / USD currency trades
I see that this trader is mostly trading EUR/USD and seems to know what to do. She’s mainly opening SELL positions for the moment, and with quite good timing in general. Don’t expect a position to be closed in one day or so! It could take 5 days or more, and before a trade reaches 50 pips in profit it could reach -200 pips, so don’t be desperate and let the positions be open, trust the trader! The secret is to not set LOT settings too high values. You must survive 11 open trades at the same time! And expect them all to be red sometimes! You don’t want to risk margin calls, where all your trades will be stopped at the worst moment! That’s why I repeat myself!
3 times the investment after one year!
She has a 263% ROI. That means the money invested had been almost 3 times multiplied in that past year! That would never happen in a bank (They have normally 3% savings or less…)
The winning trades are also very impressing! 93% and 301 winning trades! You can see average trade time is 3 days, but it may vary from some few hours to a week or more, so don’t take that for granted! And you minimum equity should be at least $307.87 to invest with 0,01 lots. Don’t be too greedy or your margin call warnings could happen in the future!
The trader has given monthly profits and stability! Looks like a good trader!
Have a look at her Trading History! It’s unbelievable! She has almost only green trades, and most of them with +50 pips! Don’t expect the future to be as bright as the past. No trader is perfect. And also good traders will have hard times.
I would give this trader a chance if I was you. Begin with low lot settings and see how it works for some weeks. After a while you can slowly increase the values, and you will hopefully make a lot of money!

For the moment this is one of my recommended traders! She seems good to copy! I can’t guarranty what the future will bring ofcourse! But my main intention today was to show you that you should not only have a look in the top of traders list. Many of the most stable traders are not in the top! And you need a stable trader that will continue to deliver, month after month!
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