I just continue surfing on my favorite trader’s drawdown waves! When there’s waiting time before his trades are reaching limits, I trade manually! Today I opened 2 trades!
First I opened NZD/USD Sell position with a limit of 50 pips! That means that the position will automatically close when I reach 50 pips, and that generated €44.26 because I have 1.0 in Lot settings!
2 trades gave me 80 pips!
Then I opened EUR/USD Sell with a limit of 30 pips! And less than 3 hours later I made €26.49! That’s so easy money, I could have traded more or invested higher LOT amounts, but I don’t want to get problems in case of drawdowns… And Manav Predictor, my trader has many open positions, that I am waiting for reaching their limits… So today’s manual trading was just to make some extra cash while waiting for the more important positions to go back on track!
A very busy day, but time enough for 2 minutes in front of the computer!
I have had a busy day taking care of my mum and helped her with cleaning and other stuff, so I only spent some few minutes trading manually today! And tomorrow will be another busy day, for me, so I will mainly let my trader “work” for me! If you are interested in trying Zulutrade with a FREE DEMO ACCOUNT, you can create one here!
Automatic trades gave me €77.9
Of course I’m not complaining when I make €70.75 extra in just one day, in addition to the automatic trades. My trader, Manav Predictor closed also 7 trades today, and I made €77,9. In total I made €148,65 today!
FOMC event tomorrow can generate even more money!
Tomorrow is an important event in the economic calendar, United States – FOMC Economic Projections. My trader has mentioned it, and he has great expectations for what’s going to happen within the next 24 hours.
Manual trades gave me 80 pips today – in just 2 trades!
Correction: I forgot that I also had a warm-up trade earlier today where I made 15 pips= €12.34. That means my total profit today is €160,68.
€160 today in profit!

Speak with you guys later! Have a great one!:)