With this autotrader system you can make Money while you are not making Money! It sounds weird, right? But it’s true! In less than 3 weeks I have made 1200 euros just by following tiantian362 on Zulutrade With lot settings 0,6. Invested amount: 10.000 euros.
Thats a profit gain (ROI) of stunning 11% since 16.February!
Tiantian362 – A good trader
Tiantian362 is a good trader, but as everyone else he may have periods With not as promising results as what I have experienced. As a trader (or a copy-trader) you must be a little patient! You can’t expect to withdraw Money every month, although you may be used to it! Be ready for drawdowns as well. There are no guarranties that future is as Bright as the past!
Smart ZuluGuard system protects Your Money as you want
Luckily, Zulutrade offers ZuluGuard, a convenient system to stop unsuccessful trades. It can even replace bad traders With New ones if you want to. Personally I prefer to Control my account, and trust my favorite trader. My best traders can even handle bad trades and have stop loss settings and set limits so everything is controlled. Although Forex is not as safe as the bank, you can make much much more Money than in the bank! How long time would you had needed to have Your 10.000 euros on savings account to make 1200 euros?
Everybody can make Money so easily!

In less than 3 weeks I have made 1200 euros just by following tiantian362 on Zulutrade With lot settings 0,6.