How to make 674 Euros in 8 days!
I started to copy the Zulutrade trader tiantian362 on the 16th of February! 8 days have passed, and the trader has delivered amazing results – without any drawdowns! For the moment the account shows even green open positions!
Here’s how to get started: 3 easy steps
1) Create a free demo account here! No obligations, no credit card needed!
2) Just fill out the needed details and activate Your free demo account. Here you can choose if you want a fictive deposit of 3000 euros, 5000 or 10.000 euros.
3) Choose Your favorite trader, e.g. tiantian362. Zulutrade is ready to go! No more settings needed!
The best thing With a demo account is that you will practice With the system and get Your personal experiences. You can choose as many traders as you want, but the risk meter bar should not Reach more than 80-100%, but it’s up to you!
How to make real Money With Zulutrade?
If Your experiences With Your free zulutrade demo account are good, maybe you want to invest some Money later on, and make Your real Money!
If you check out the performace tab of the trader, you will see how many months he has been successful in the past and how much he has gained so far. It could be a great indicator of his future performance, but be careful to invest more than you can afford. Remember that all traders may have bad periods, and even the best trader may deliver bad results for a while. You can protect yourself With smart Zulutrade Tools like Zuluguard, and set stoploss and limits to be safe! Zulutrade is available With apps for Windows Phone, Android and iPhone so you can always be updated! The best thing With copying a reliable trader is that you dont need to open and stop the trades yourself. Everything is done for you – automatically!

How to make 674 Euros in 8 days!
Why not give it a chance?
It is risk free! And you want to make Money right? I will never recommend you to create a live account before testing a demo account first. I want you to make Money and not lose them. And you need to test out both Zulutrades Tools like zuluguard and Discover the lot settings to survive when there are drawdowns to avoid any margin Calls.
Create a free demo account here! RISK FREE! No obligations, no credit card needed!
And while you test out the demo account, you are welcome to visit my blog here! I promise to continue to post New articles, and I’m planning to make guides how to be successful on Zulutrade! We can do this together! Let’s keep in touch! Cheers!