There are so many “make money online” programs. I have tried many, but I must admit that most of them is not profitable. E.g, a binary options program just asks for money, and the broker just gives you losses or don’t care after you have given them a deposit… There’s a jungle out there, and it’s quite dangerous if you don’t know the game… But I was soon finding out that binary options was not for me. Forex neither. At least not without some help from people you can trust… with knowledge and experience… You need good trading signals if you should be succesful! It’s easier to lose money than making money!
And it’s impossible to trust anyone on the Internet. I really need documentation! There are lots of programs that say that they will make money for you and your account will grow fast, but there’s no documentation! If I have asked for documentation, they have just sent me a silly printscreen… Something they could have manipulated in Photoshop! I don’t want to put a single dollar into something so weird!
After lots of research I found Zulutrade. It’s an automatic Forex system, where you don’t need to trade yourself. Here it’s possible to copy traders from around the world, and they will do the job for you. The only thing you need to decide is set limits, and with the Zulutrade activated, unsuccessful trades will even be stopped automatically. So this is a great way of getting trading signals… One thing I especially like with Zulutrade is that you don’t need to invest any money before you find it profitable. You’re welcome to create a free demo account, and see if you can make money or not!
So I was starting to look for good traders, because that’s the thing… There are good traders, but there are also bad traders. I would never follow a trader without experience. One year of experience is minimum… If he/she has been active for 2 years or longer and has delivered stable profit, the trader will possibly exist for a long time in the future, and you will not get stable profit too.
I’m liking stable curves… They should climb in general, and losses should be controlled.
I would recommend you to give it a try: Try it here!
Click on Register – Get a FREE DEMO ACCOUNT – Choose Forex – and fill out the required info. You will not need to give any credit card details. If you later decide to sign up for a LIVE ACCOUNT, you should choose AAAfx as your bank (they are cooperating with Zulutrade and I have good experience in recieving my withdrawals within 3-5 working days). Be careful with your LOT values. In the beginning I would set low values 0,01 or so just to see how it works, and find a trader that doesn’t open more than some few trades at the same time. Stay away from the Top 10 list as the only list… Sometimes I have found better trades somewhere else. Some traders are rated after doing a good job for 1 week. What you need to find is traders that can deliver profitable results for years, not days or weeks!
Here are 4 examples of successful traders:

I will give you updates about good traders and patterns in upcoming articles and give you my results!