Lifetime-hosting review: We here at Help To Make Money know how much Performance matter for online visitors. I have tried different hosting providers, and what I have discovered is very typical is that they charge you an introduction price for the first year, and then when you are going to renew your subscription they charge a much higher rate for exactly the same service. And that doesn’t feel fair! And even it is expensive, you don’t get fast speed for your sites, actually, I discovered many times that my sites could not open, because many people were visiting my site at the same time. And that is the last thing you want to discover, that your potential customers, your visitors can’t access your site.
It’s important that your site works 24 hours a day and it should load fast
If that happens, they will probably never visit it again. You have got this one opportunity to show your site, and it must be optimized and work on both mobile phones and desktop. I have paid 100s of dollars per year, and I have even upgraded to cloud service and higher quality options to avoid to lose customers – and still, I discover that it’s not optimal, and when I contact customer service, they ask me to upgrade again. It’s insane! You don’t want to be ruined by your hosting provider. Hosting should be affordable and it’s after all, not the website performance, but the content we want to spend time on. It would be great if we could find a good hosting provider that just charges a low monthly fee…
Forget monthly fees for your hosting – try a cost-effective hosting
Or wait – is it possible to find a good hosting provider that doesn’t charge me a monthly fee at all? I doubted when I heard of it… But not all good things are too good to be true… And definitely it was worth a try… The company Lifetime-Hosting charges only a one-time fee and you get a lifetime hosting for your websites. They even give you a 30 days Money Back Guarantee Refund, so it should be a no-brainer. No reason to not give them a chance.
Instead of charging the customers month after month, year after year, this hosting charges them just once – a single time payment.
Lifetime-hosting review: Who is Lifetime-hosting for?
Lifetime-hosting is suitable for you that are tired of paying monthly costs to a hosting provider that becomes more and more greedy for every year. Everyone that needs a hassle-free hosting platform for their website should consider trying Lifetime-hosting. Many people get shocked when their provider increases their monthly costs by 400%, and people say: I can’t afford to pay for monthly hosting. Then, the answer is finally here.
Cheaper than $127? Try Life-time hosting from $19.99 (one domain)

Faster performance for your websites
Richard Madison is a well-known guy in the hosting industry since 2005, and this is his second version of the Lifetime-hosting series. That means you get an already tested hosting platform. and there will be no surprises or problems. They use lightning-fast RAID storage with unlimited bandwidth. This provides lower loading time for your pages. It is actually one of the fastest web hosting on the market today. That means, you can be sure your website will load fast, and that is super important. Did you know that 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than 3 seconds to load? Fast hosting is the secret weapon to get more customers to visit your site.
This is a testimonial from one satisfied customer:
I appreciate the uptime and stability of our hosting and email. I am very satisfied with the serviced provided by Lifetime-hosting. The customer service is impeccable. I highly recommend it.
Phil Cauthier
The faster website explained:
Lifetime-hosting uses Litespeed Web Server. LSWS serves more users, handles traffic spikes and neutralizes DDoS attacks. They use CloudLinux. CloudLinux prevents individual websites from using too many resources & provides better security while protecting servers via LVE Technology.
Lifetime Support and free tools
Although you don’t pay any monthly fees for this hosting, you will still have 24-7 responsive support, and that is actually a very good thing!
Our support team has been solving problems for 14 years. Our friendly team is available 24×7 through our ticketing system. If you’re experiencing difficulties we can help you resolve them – and fast. Over 85% of support request are resolved in our first interaction.
They also provide free cPanel which you may be familiar with from other hosting providers. It makes it easy to install WordPress, manage your emails, forward domains and much more – everything you expect from an advanced control panel. You will also have a free website builder available. With this tool, you don’t need to be any programmer to make a good looking website. It is drag’n drop, and has a very user friendly interface. Another great pro is that you can create unlimited email accounts, autoresponders and forwarders. For a limited time, they will even give you 2-lifetime domains!
Some interesting facts
- 47% of consumers expect a page to load in under 2 seconds.
- 40% leave a website that loads in more than 3 seconds.
- 53% of shoppers say quick loading is important to their loyalty.
- A faster site leads to a better user experience and a satisfying user experience leads to higher conversions.
- A 1 second delay reduces customer satisfaction by about 15%
Are you one of the millions of customers that have you signed up for $2.95/mo. hosting only to find out the renewal is $8.95/mo. – $11.95/mo.? Up to a 400% price increase?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that after you sign up for web hosting, the renewal will be $0.00… Forever? Each and every month you’ll save on your hosting and domain renewal fees. A penny saved is a penny earned. That’s guaranteed money in the bank every month. Save money on hosting today.