86% WINNING TRADES! I have followed Tiantian362 for a long while, because he’s a good trader! He has been on top 10 on Zulutrade for a long while and haven’t done any major mistakes yet! And today was a really good day for him! He made my account grow with 245 Euros, and that was in less than a normal working day, from 11 pm until 5am! There’s no reason to complain!
Of course, not all days are as fantastic as today! But he has shown earlier that he can manage stress and what to do when it’s drawdowns time too. And he has made 64000 pips in 62 weeks, not much more than 1 year! And the ROI show 311% for the moment, so you had tripled your investment amount with him! I just want to warn you, please do not set too high lot values, as it’s better to be sure if drawdown times happen, and they will – for all traders – sooner or later! Until now, all his 15 months on Zulutrade has been profitable!
If you have look at “Profit made from following this trader”, you can see there’s one copier making more than 36.000 USD! Isn’t that amaxing?! Just by cope this trader!

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